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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Video of Trump's Bribe of RFK Jr
Date: 07/16/2024 10:40 AM
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Orange Jesus couldn't be bothered to phone the wife and family of the supporter who died at his rally but he had time to play a round of golf the next day and phone RFK Jr to offer him a spot in his administration if he would drop out of the race and endorse him.

Someone in the RFK Jr campaign or family leaked the video.

"Anyway, I would love for you to serve. I think it would be so good for you and so big for you. And we're gonna win, we're way ahead of the guy."

With JD Vance on the ticket, he's sewn up the fascist vote but evidently Trump thinks he needs the anti-vaxxers, too, and told RFK Jr "you feed a baby a vaccination that is like 38 different vaccines and it looks like its meant for a horse, not a 10 pound or 20 pound baby ... Then you see the baby starting to change radically, I've seen it too many times. Then you hear that it doesn't have an impact, right? You and I talked about that a long time ago."

Anti-vax, anti-science, anti-democracy, anti-American Trump, the biggest POS to stain the American political landscape in more than 200 years.


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