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Author: alan81 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Tariff responses... go ahead?
Date: 11/26/2024 3:58 PM
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We have now heard from all three countries (China, Mexico, Canada) Trump plans to impose Tariffs on.

China: "No one will win a trade war or a tariff war" and "the idea of China knowingly allowing fentanyl precursors to flow into the United States runs completely counter to facts and reality."

Canada: tariffs would be "devastating to workers and jobs" in both the U.S. and Canada.

Mexico: It’s unacceptable and would cause inflation and job losses in Mexico and the United States.”

Basically, it sounds like a go ahead, you are just shooting yourself in the foot. It will do as much damage to the US as to us.

It looks like they are not taking the bait on Trumps opening negotiating position.
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