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Author: lizgdal   😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: SIPro Screens Origins
Date: 02/07/2025 3:56 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 14
(For reference see https://web.archive.org/web/20170315000958/http://... )

Author: WaveDoc Two stars, 250 posts Old School Fool
Number: 265742 of 284296
Subject: SIPro Screens Origins
Date: 3/9/2017 2:55 PM
No. of Recommendations: 42

While trying to find the discovery dates of certain screens, I found that there is no up-to-date table identifying the source and discovery date of the screen.

AstroPhool posted a nice summary in 2007 https://www.shrewdm.com/MB?pid=377778151 , but there have been a number of new screens introduced since then (and a few discarded). I was able to locate some additional start (discovery) dates in a 2001 post by VTAlumni https://www.shrewdm.com/MB?pid=888839601 , but still some holes remained.

After spending some time going down memory lane with the help of the DataHelper, I was able to construct the following table. Note that the “Date” is only an approximate discovery date, but in terms of knowing what are post-discovery results, this should get you into the right zip code.

My apologies if I have inadvertently ascribed the origin to the wrong person.

Screen Post Author Date Comment
3pt_Relative_Value 189123 ?? 5/29/2006 Also see post 168492
78RPM 157494 DrBob2 2/12/2004
Advanced 186991 Retieff 4/11/2006
ARS 152264 DrBob2 11/16/2003
BI 189123 ?? 5/29/2006
Blue_Skies 224197 DrBob2 4/27/2010
Bob 186688 Retieff 4/11/2006
CANSLIM-26 140325 DrBob2/AAII 2/2/2003 AAII screen 1997
Dipstick 214073 DrBob2 1/12/2009
FCF-26 159215 DrBob2/AAII 3/16/2004
Fried 500 178201 DrBob2 11/19/2005
Gentle Screamers 147947 DrBob2 7/28/2003
GS Mungo 178610 mungofitch/DB2 11/29/2005
GS Mungo Voom 178610 mungofitch/DB2 11/29/2005
GS_PCF 200661 ?? 7/23/2007
GSX 183654 Astrophool 2/12/2006
GSX2 187289 Astrophool 4/24/2006
High Relative Value 162979 DrBob2 6/24/2004
HighOnVolume 228374 DrBob2 1/3/2011
Incoming_Cash 194485 winker 12/20/2006
Low_Mult 183654 Astrophool 2/12/2006
LowPS+ 189599 ?? 6/12/2006
LowPSvol 203629 winkler 11/19/2007
Melange 157347 DrBob2 2/10/2004
Microcap 151991 DrBob2 11/10/2003
Money_Flow 195952 DrBob2 1/24/2007
Net-Nets_Grahamified 112249 DrBob2 12/6/2001
Optiman 95695 DrBob2 3/7/2001
P/S I Love You 167780 winker 12/27/2004 SI version H52EarnPS
PIH Naked 158442 DrBob2 2/26/2004
POG 160600 DrBob2 4/15/2004
POI 168792 DrBob2 1/22/2005
Quality Earnings 169778 DrBob2 2/17/2005
Rabbitt ?? ?? ?? Paul Rabbitt's Q-Ranking System ?
RS-100 189123 ?? 5/20/2006
S&P Peg 147882 DrBob2 7/26/2003
Shrinkage 141725 DrBob2 2/22/2003
Silver Parachute 155908 DrBob2 1/17/2004
Small Value 111479 DrBob2 11/20/2001
Steady Growth 133476 DrBob2 9/19/2002
Turnarounds 156628 DrBob2 1/27/2004
Up 5% 159290 DrBob2 3/18/2004
Up5X3 187511 Astrophool 4/28/2006
Value at the Top 134696 DrBob2 10/18/2002
VG-Horse 241325-2516699 tpoto et.al. 5/5/2013 group modification to VG_Zebra
VG-Zebra 241235 tpoto 1/25/2013
WK_Voom 182351 AstroPhool 2/12/2006
YEY_SIPro 255175 rgearyiii not an official screen
Z26saTA 6 129802 DrBob2/AAII 7/20/2002 AAII 1/2/2017

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