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Author: Beginner   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: population collapse?
Date: 01/28/2024 12:40 AM
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Perhaps we are talking about different aspects of the topics mentioned above.

I was addressing landmass and the quality of life due to carrying capacity of said landmass. What "resources," have we expanded? Our fisheries? Our air quality? Our forests and wetlands??? Our water sheds??? It sounds like you are talking about products not resources.

Technology is threatening our humanity, if you ask me. We have social media run amok. Our culture is being run by algorithm dividing people by bot, our children have less attention span than goldfish in school, and don't realize they are being manipulated and led astray, for corporate profit. Democracy, the United States is being denigrated within the branches of its own government, and politicians are running against it.

"Technology" has concentrated power in fewer and fewer people--even as the population swells. Who benefits from this??? I have an 25 year old wooden drying rack that I stepped on and broke. I have bought several different ones, trying to get the same quality, from the same business I bought the first one from. The business is now bankrupt and every product the re-organized company has sent me is inferior by at least thirty to forty percent. One didn't even last a week. That would never have happened 25 years ago.

San Diego just experienced a 1,000-year flood and my mother-in-law who has lived there on and off for 90 years has and Coronado Island was flooded, as well.

As for birth control, it's a crime that the most important question would center on whether the embryo/fetus is a baby instead of whether or not a woman can be forced to have a child irregardless of her mental, emotional, or physical capacity to carry a child and/or take care of it.

"Access to contraception in the United States is increasingly under threat, say CU researchers, as some lawmakers interpret the 2022 Dobbs decision as a license to restrict birth control, and a growing effort to stigmatize contraception takes hold on social media. Oct 9, 2023" University of Colorado, Boulder

Also, "personal responsibility" does not start and end with Self-reliance. Personal responsibility is ethical and moral personal behavior and how it affects the community, not just oneself.

The important thing is to accurately address the issues that are at the bottom of our troubles, which are not confined to lack of self-reliance. Self-reliance is a subset of worldly wisdom.

I also doubt silicon-based technology can solve carbon-based problems. We must look to ourselves, collectively, not individually, to solve these problems. Human kind needs to turn it's attention to finding a way to cooperate and face reality.

We can't keep kicking the can down the road or pretending some bot or AI is going to fix it for us.

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