When reading a post with a keyboard, you can type the keys , and . to move backwards and forward between posts! You can also press 'return' to read through posts one at a time. There's freedom in Shrewd'm!
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 1
Be tough on them Russian Commies!
The cheapest price is more important than wages and jobs for middle class folk!
The Dow Jones iNdustrial average is what matters!
Signed, the Liberals----who have been Club 401K for quite awhile now.
Someone as usual - was and is right on.
Country Club Republicans are ----Liberals.
No. of Recommendations: 3
You are actually stealing her name now? Does this fulfill a lifelong dream you've had to be a woman? I'm empathetic. Would you mid telling us why you waited to your old age to transition? I've had people I knew that did this, so I'm curious.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Kill kill kill! War War war!
Stock profits!
Signed, the TMF LEFT ---- out of the closet as Club 401k :) like someone said for a decade :)
It's ok! Profits is America - nothing bad. Long hair, backpack and brown rice turned in for profits, 401K's, tax deferrals, and Dick Cheney crushes :)
No. of Recommendations: 3
You are actually stealing her name now?
I actually clicked on the post to see what SLL was up to. Turns out to be nothing more than the indecipherable ramblings of Jedi.
But I must ask - what evidence do you have that SLL wasn't Jedi all along???
No. of Recommendations: 1