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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Gov. Puppy Killer on the radio
Date: 03/16/2025 3:39 PM
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The truth prevailed when the majority of Americans believed
President Trump was innocent and voted him President, not believing Biden’s corrupt government and the compromised FBI and judge presiding over the trial.

Wow, a lot of lies to unpack in just one sentence. But here we go.

1) Our jury system is not based on what the majority of Americans believe, but rather what 12 jurors decide after hearing all the evidence and arguments from both the prosecutors and the defense. Neither you nor I were present in the courtroom. Our legal system relies on 12 jurors who were in the court room every day, all day, to decide the truth about guilt or innocence.

2) A majority of Americans did NOT vote for Trump to be president. He received a plurality of the votes. Just so you don’t have to look up big words, a plurality means the most votes, but NOT a majority of the vote.

3) Biden’s administration was not responsible in any way, shape, or manner for Trump being found guilty of 34 felony counts. Biden was a federal officer. Trump was convicted in New York State of crimes he committed in New York State. News flash: the federal government and the New York State government are not the same.

4) To the best of my knowledge, the FBI (corrupt or otherwise) had nothing to do with the Trump conviction of 34 counts of felony crimes. The FBI is federal. New York State is not federal. Trump was found guilty of breaking New York State laws.

5) What evidence do you have that the presiding judge was corrupt? I’ve not seen any. Again, you claim to believe in law and order, but only when you agree with the results. THAT’S NOT BELIEVING IN LAW AND ORDER. That’s like believing in elections, but only when you win. Utter nonsense.

But other than getting absolutely nothing correct, not bad.
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