No. of Recommendations: 3
Putting a stop as best he can to an unending stream of immigrants is good for our county.
Fair enough. That's a reasonable policy, even if I can make arguments against it.
So why, then, did Trump feel the need to come out against the immigration bill that was wending its way through Congress earlier this year? Keep in mind that he didn't suggest changing it or improving it. He said to kill it. If he's in favor of immigration reform, why didn't he suggest changes to the bill to make it more to his liking?
Yes, the bill may have had a high likelihood of not passing. But by coming out against the bill, it sure sounds like he doesn't want to solve the immigration problem.
That he let slip that he didn't want the bill to pass so he could use immigration as something to run on just makes it worse.
Why does Trump do things like this that don't seem to match up with his policy positions? After all, if you think immigration is an important policy, why suggest killing an immigration bill instead of suggesting changes that would improve it?
It's almost as if Trump is lying about the importance of immigration reform to the country. But that couldn't be the explanation, could it, Mikey?