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Author: Carpian   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: QUIZ: Trump or Your Drunk Uncle?
Date: 06/10/2024 3:51 PM
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You know commonone, a funny thing happened after KremlinJoe’s kangeroo Court....against President Trump

Funny things have been happening on the Republican side of the aisle for eight plus years now...nothing new here. (Or not so funny things, depending on your point of view.)

The American people saw through the railroad job, got POed and donated hundreds of millions of dollars to his campaign and got a bump in his poll numbers. Last I heard the funds were in the 400 million range and more on the way, I’m sure.

The money was going to be donated either way, guilty or not guilty. It makes for good theater to stage a fundraising campaign and have it come in after the verdict and claim that it was because of the verdict. If you'd rather have good theater than good character, there's no question that Trump is your guy.
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