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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/18/2024 9:28 AM
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111 Former G.O.P. Officials Back Harris, Calling Trump ‘Unfit to Serve’

The signatories of a letter endorsing the Democratic vice president included former members of Congress, defense secretaries, C.I.A. directors and other national security officials.

More than 100 former national security officials from Republican administrations and former Republican members of Congress endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday after concluding that their party’s nominee, Donald J. Trump, is “unfit to serve again as president.”

In a letter to the public, the Republicans, including both vocal longtime Trump opponents and others who had not endorsed Joseph R. Biden Jr. in 2020, argued that while they might “disagree with Kamala Harris” on many issues, Mr. Trump had demonstrated “dangerous qualities.” Those include, they said, “unusual affinity” for dictators like President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and “contempt for the norms of decent, ethical and lawful behavior.”

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One can only wonder at what point the “true believers” on this board will realize that their messiah is actually a toxic force for their party as well as for the country.

Some, I dare say, never will.
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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/18/2024 8:04 PM
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mostly shocked how high conservatives (and i mean a lot of them) can career-climb, unable to realize the explicit threat profile 2 elections prior.

no cookie.
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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/18/2024 8:44 PM
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mostly shocked how high conservatives (and i mean a lot of them) can career-climb, unable to realize the explicit threat profile 2 elections prior.

My working theory is there have been two kinds of Trump supporters since he came on the scene 9 years ago. The willfully blind, and the truly dumb.

The truly dumb are mainly the cannon fodder. They're holding tiki torches and waving all sorts of flags and attending the endless rallies and invading public buildings. They buy the Trump garbage, both literally (as in various and sundry trinkets) and figuratively (all of the lies and BS he spews).

The willfully blind are the career climbers you speak of. They see the problems Trump poses, but are so confident in themselves they think they will not fall victim to the Trump tornado of havoc. They figure they can continue to career climb with Trump, so they turn a blind eye and continue to press on, seeking ever more power and money.

These willfully blind end up in one of two places: they get caught in the havoc and, being high up in positions of some power, end up making the news headlines when they get shocking criminal convictions. Or they end their willful blindness before it's too late and are now endorsing Harris.

As to the cannon fodder, they stay poor, wasting their money on Trump Trinkets and traveling to his rallies. They waste their time on the internet, endlessly posting and reposting whatever Trump garbage comes of his mouth hole or whatever gets amplified on their favorite web sites and TV channels. They remain ignorant of anything in life that doesn't directly affect them and cannot conceive of anyone having different choices or preferences to their own. The dumbest end up breaking laws and getting convicted for doing dumb stuff in cases that almost never make the news.

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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/18/2024 10:23 PM
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well, i could dream these high level GOP statesmen would be the first trump wreaked vengeance upon.
but they were with trump (or quiet) for 3 elections, short a few months. its not impossible some change their mind again if trump wins.
as you say, it is in their nature to avoid losers, and they may actually think poll trends have it mostly right.

for me, it is absolutely inconceivable that just now they figured out trump is a national threat relative to ANY viable candidate including biden.
this is the conservative braintrust? am running out of scorn here.
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Author: FlyingCircus 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/18/2024 10:39 PM
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Well, yeah all that but: Just sad those same 110 or 200 or 2000 so-called Republicans did NOTHING TO EXCOMMUNICATE HIM 4 years ago - they're all set, on their $millions of consulting and cushy job fees and now - NOW that he's absolutely certifiable and AFTER he's polluted what used to be a principled "party" with knuckledraggers, they are relying on a disinterested and disgusted populace to VOTE for a chameleon in the hope.

"We're shocked, SHOCKED this man is running for President." They're almost as phony as he is.

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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 11:32 AM
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More than 100 former national security officials from Republican administrations and former Republican members of Congress endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday after concluding that their party’s nominee, Donald J. Trump, is “unfit to serve again as president.”

Sorry, these RINOs don’t cut any ice, but Union democrats do..

“On Wednesday, the union released the results of its survey, which was conducted after Biden dropped out of the race. It found that almost 60% of rank-and-file union members preferred to endorse Trump, while 34% backed Harris, according to an electronic member poll. A phone poll indicated similar findings, with 58% supporting Trump and 31% supporting Harris.

The Teamsters have for decades endorsed Democratic presidential candidates.”

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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 12:20 PM
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LurkerMom: Sorry, these RINOs don’t cut any ice, but Union democrats do..

First, from your link: The union has not released the number of poll participants or the margin of error.

Second, since you're so delighted unions matter in the election, a whole host of joint councils and local unions, including the Long Island chapter, have endorsed Harris, the only candidate that worked with the Teamsters and other union workers to pass the Butch Lewis Act which has saved the pensions of over a million retirees.

The president of Teamsters Joint Council 39 in Wisconsin, your state, said his local is endorsing Harris.

Michigan’s Joint Council 43 endorsed Harris: “Both Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz have consistently demonstrated their dedication to championing the labor movement, safeguarding social security, and ensuring access to qualify healthcare for All Americans, including women’s reproductive rights.”

Joint Councils 7 and 42, representing 300,000 Teamsters across California, Nevada, Hawaii, and Guam backed Harris and Walz.

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien is just having a hissy fit because he spoke at the RNC but democrats preferred to have rank-and-file Teamsters whose pensions were saved by the Biden-Harris administration speak rather than him.

Other local unions will endorse Harris as well.

And O'Brien will be voted out in the next election.
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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 12:54 PM
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Harris, the only candidate that worked with the Teamsters and other union workers to pass the Butch Lewis Act which has saved the pensions of over a million retirees.

And yet the Teamsters Union, the Union that counts the most did not endorse Harris due to the fact the rank and file supports Trump. To save face the Teamsters union bosses did not endorse either Trump or Harris and stayed neutral.
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 2:17 PM
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Glad to see you are well, LM. Hoever, I see your Teamsters, and raise you AFL-CIO:

AFL-CIO Unanimously Endorses Kamala Harris for President
July 22, 2024

WASHINGTON—Following a vote of its Executive Council, which represents 60 unions and 12.5 million workers, today the AFL-CIO unanimously endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president in the 2024 election. SNIP

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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 8:13 PM
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Glad to see you are well, LM. Hoever, I see your Teamsters, and raise you AFL-CIO:

AFL-CIO Unanimously Endorses Kamala Harris for President
July 22, 2024

Thank you for your acknowledgment.

It is well known Union bosses will back democrats in high office to receive perks and special favors. However the rank and file have a mind of their own, for example the Teamsters union rank and file.

“Union leaders say many of their members are thrilled about Harris, a stalwart labor ally, after harboring doubts about President Joe Biden’s age. But underneath that surge of enthusiasm, they acknowledge that Trump still appeals to some of their members, and Harris’ success in the election could hinge on her ability to win over union swing voters.”
“Union leaders also admit that it is a challenge that members don’t always follow their endorsements. Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers and a Harris ally, said “labor and labor leaders are not monoliths, nor do we have magic wands, nor do we have fairy dust. People make their own decisions.”


Union bosses and the rank and file are of two different mind sets.

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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 9:01 PM
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Union bosses and the rank and file are of two different mind sets.

Agreed, and I'd seen those Teamster polls before they were posted. But right now, I think Harris has a chance of pulling this election off. We're looking for the true independents in the swing states. What do you think the October surprise will be?
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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 11:01 PM
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But right now, I think Harris has a chance of pulling this election off. We're looking for the true independents in the swing states. What do you think the October surprise will be?

The closer it gets to the election I see Harris having less and less of a chance to win.
At every appearance Harris constantly repeats the same rehearsed phrases that have no substance.
It’s, ‘huh? what did she say? I don’t get it.’
Harris says she will do ‘this and that’, but with no explanation how she will accomplish her goals.
Harris’ ‘opportunity economy’ is nothing more than a give away of taxpayers money....The idea of giving $25,000 down payment assistance money to buy a house is a slap in the face to those who saved for years to have enough money to buy their first home.

Who will get this $25,000? I believe it will be the illegals who will be first in line. After all, you and I and the American taxpayers are paying their way now.
If by chance Harris wins, she will put the millions of illegal aliens on a fast track to citizenship.
They will be good democrat voters.

October surprise? I have no idea. What do you think it might be?
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/20/2024 12:48 AM
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The closer it gets to the election I see Harris having less and less of a chance to win.
Actually the pools show she is doing well.

At every appearance Harris constantly repeats the same rehearsed phrases that have no substance.
It’s, ‘huh? what did she say? I don’t get it.’

You watch every appearance? Someone told you that?

Harris says she will do ‘this and that’, but with no explanation how she will accomplish her goals.

That's a laugh. Build the wall and Mexico will pay. Something wonderful for a medical plan is still "concepts".

Harris’ ‘opportunity economy’ is nothing more than a give away of taxpayers money....The idea of giving $25,000 down payment assistance money to buy a house is a slap in the face to those who saved for years to have enough money to buy their first home.

I'm curious about the 25k too, but she may not have to do that with the interest rate lowering.

Who will get this $25,000? I believe it will be the illegals who will be first in line. After all, you and I and the American taxpayers are paying their way now.

An illegal won't be eligible. That's being silly.

If by chance Harris wins, she will put the millions of illegal aliens on a fast track to citizenship.
They will be good democrat voters.

No, it looks like doing immigration the "right way" is the pathway to citizenship.

October surprise? I have no idea. What do you think it might be?

Trump dumps Vance and makes Laura Loomer his new VP candidate. :)
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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/20/2024 9:42 AM
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You watch every appearance? Someone told you that?

I’ve seen enough where Harris repeats the same nonsense word salad over and over again.
Take for instance her appearance with Oprah last evening. When asked a direct question how she would deal with rising prices and inflation. Harris answer was the same word phrases and no direct answer.

That's a laugh. Build the wall and Mexico will pay. Something wonderful for a medical plan is still "concepts".

The wall was a deterrent and Mexico agreed with Trump to hold the illegals in Mexico to be processed in a more orderly fashion as opposed to the Border Czar’s you all come, unvetted, criminals, gang members, drug runners, etc. Not to worry, the Border Czar will clothed you, feed you, house you, medical care and educated your kids. The American taxpayer will foot the bill.

An illegal won't be eligible. That's being silly.

Why? The Border Czar is giving them everything else they need.

Trump dumps Vance and makes Laura Loomer his new VP candidate. :)

Anyone would be better as VP than Tampon Tim.

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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/20/2024 11:52 AM
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LurkerMom: When asked a direct question how she would deal with rising prices and inflation. Harris answer was the same word phrases and no direct answer.

What now?

You didn't watch her interview, did you? You're just picking up the Fox and NY Post talking points.

Harris actually gave a reasonably detailed response about families grappling with costs that touched on price gouging, helping new homeowners struggling with housing costs with funds toward a down payment, making it easier for individuals to fund small business start-ups that would help bring costs down, and extending and expanding child tax credits.

While you may not agree with her -- and, from what you've written, I doubt you actually listened to her -- but it wasn't the "same word phrases" and it was a direct answer.

LurkerMom: The wall was a deterrent and Mexico agreed with Trump to hold the illegals in Mexico to be processed in a more orderly fashion as opposed to the Border Czar’s you all come, unvetted, criminals, gang members, drug runners, etc. Not to worry, the Border Czar will clothed you, feed you, house you, medical care and educated your kids. The American taxpayer will foot the bill.

Talk about word salad.

Here are the facts: Harris has never been "Border Czar" but border encounters are down 55%, down significantly below the numbers we saw in Trump's last month in office:

                      Border Encounters
July 2024 January 2021
56,408 75,316

Illegal entry, based on border arrests, was lower in July 2024 than during Donald Trump’s last month in office, undermining the former president’s campaign message on immigration and border security. Government data confirm that recent immigration actions by the Biden administration and Mexico’s government have reduced Border Patrol encounters at the Southwest border, a proxy for illegal entry. Donald Trump argued he left office with the “most secure” border in history, but analysts pointed out that was untrue even before the July 2024 border numbers.

Shelters on the southern U.S. border are seeing sharp declines in migrants seeking refuge, by as much 60% to 80% compared with last year.

Which is why Fox "News" and others have all but stopped talking about the southern border.

LurkerMom: Anyone would be better as VP than Tampon Tim.

What're you, 12?

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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/20/2024 12:39 PM
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You didn't watch her interview, did you? You're just picking up the Fox and NY Post talking points.

Your typical cop out for a reply. FOX FOX FOX..lol.

Harris actually gave a reasonably detailed response about families grappling with costs that touched on price gouging, helping new homeowners struggling with housing costs with funds toward a down payment, making it easier for individuals to fund small business start-ups that would help bring costs down, and extending and expanding child tax credits.

Families grappling with cost etc? Yep, all happened under the Harris/Biden regime. They had 3 1/2
years to create a roaring economy and did nothing except put Americans in the poor house.

Here are the facts: Harris has never been "Border Czar" but border encounters are down 55%, down significantly below the numbers we saw in Trump's last month in office:

Here are the real facts. Granted, border crossing have reduced, instead though illegal aliens are now been flown into the US, courtesy of the Border Czar and the American taxpayer, thinking no one would notice.

“A total of 400,000 migrants have entered the U.S. through the program with half of these individuals entering within an eight-month span from Jan. to August 2023, according to the committee. As of Oct. 2023, about 1.6 million migrants allegedly awaited travel authorization through the program.

“These documents expose the egregious lengths Secretary Mayorkas will go to ensure inadmissible aliens reach every corner of the country, from Orlando and Atlanta to Las Vegas and San Francisco,” committee chairman Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., said in a statement. “Secretary Mayorkas’ CHNV parole program is an unlawful sleight of hand used to hide the worsening border crisis from the American people."
“Migrants arrived in the U.S. at major airports across the country, according to the committee. Miami, Florida allegedly led the way with nearly 92,000 and Fort Lauderdale, Florida saw 60,000. New York City received nearly 15,000 and Houston, Texas received nearly 8,000, according to the documents.”


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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/20/2024 12:49 PM
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Here are the real facts. Granted, border crossing have reduced, instead though illegal aliens are now been flown into the US, courtesy of the Border Czar and the American taxpayer, thinking no one would notice.

Wow, talk about fibbing. Harris WAS the Border Czar; both the media and the administration called her that.


WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border, as the administration faces growing political pressure to address a surge in undocumented migrant children unaccompanied by parents.

Biden said during an immigration meeting at the White House that he had asked Harris to lead the administration's efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, countries that will "need help stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border."

A senior administration official said Harris' role would focus on "two tracks": both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration.

When you tell 500 lies, it's hard to keep all of them straight.
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/20/2024 1:39 PM
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You watch every appearance? Someone told you that?

I’ve seen enough
So you *haven't* seen every appearance.

LMHarris says she will do ‘this and that’, but with no explanation how she will accomplish her goals.

METhat's a laugh. Build the wall and Mexico will pay. Something wonderful for a medical plan is still "concepts".

So you admit those weren't accomplished - Mexico never paid for the wall and Trump hasn't got a medical plan. Your claim is much more appropriate to Trump than to Harris (my point). Mexico changed its stance, Trump had the border bill killed and now seems to be floundering. Read Common One for what he says. Albaby says (per memory) that the point is not to answer in detail, but to let the people get to know you as a candidate and your stances ( something like that).

My thinking on the 25k is that it might be possible to put that into an account, give the bank credit toward it's reserve, and when there's an action, like a sale of the house, we get our 25k back. She may not have to do that if the interest rate comes down.

An illegal won't be eligible. That's being silly.

See above. It's an empty claim.
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/20/2024 6:26 PM
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At every appearance Harris constantly repeats the same rehearsed phrases that have no substance.
It’s, ‘huh? what did she say? I don’t get it.’


You like the idiotic spew that comes out of Trump's mouth? Do you have no sense of irony?

Harris sounds articulate and knowledgable. Trump sounds like a ranting old man with dementia. Too funny.

Honestly, you really have to be in the cult to see things in such an upside down manner.
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