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Author: FlyingCircus 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: I Know Donald Trump's Type
Date: 07/24/2024 12:32 AM
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20 years ago her lack of experience would have killed her out of the gate.

This is odd. 20 years ago...

Ok, to clarify, I was making a narrower point - just because she's been "in government" longer doesn't mean she's more qualified for President than past Presidential candidates.

Put her experience up against DJT's 0 in 2016 - absolutely. Going back further -

Carter - Governor of a major Southern state
Reagan - Governor of CA
Bush 1 - tens of years in CIA, State, whip for Nixon & Ford
Clinton - Governor of AR
Bush 2 or Gore - well, Bush 2 meh, Gore 24 years in elected positions before that election... we know.

Since Obama's election WTP seem to be going "off the board" for euphemistically "non-traditional" candidates. Biden was drawing sighs 4 years ago as too much time in there. Being a prosecutor and getting elected to the Senate once is not a lot of executive political experience - so the pattern holds.

I didn't say DJT was ever qualified, and now he's worse: weaponized.
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