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Author: Lee   😊 😞
Number: of 3315 
Subject: Re: OT: Market Valuations
Date: 09/16/2024 3:11 PM
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Your timing strategy is fine if it gets you out at a 15% loss before the deep 40% loss.
That's all you need. You don't want one that takes you out at a 10% loss just before a 20% gain.

Appreciate the inputs... I probably phrased my first comment somewhat inaccurately when I said I have the jitters. I should have said that current conditions are making me very likely to follow some type of re-allocation strategy (if more market action starts to truly perform poorly, such as the 99 day high rule being violated, etc.) as opposed to a buy-and-hold (stay in equities no matter what) strategy for my current equity allocation.


Thanks as well for the link regarding population. I need to study that more. A population rate of around 1% a year still seems pretty small to me, but perhaps I have my facts messed up with earlier growth rates. It's better than a shrinking population, but if an aging population puts pressure on equities (i.e., the baby boomers starting to spend down retirement nest eggs) and we have a pretty anemic rate of population growth, then to what extent 1% pop growth can really help GDP seems a bit in question to me.

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