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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: The potential October surprise:
Date: 10/02/2024 5:04 PM
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Kamala Harris just came out and supporter the striking longshoremen.

That means...she owns the economic damage the strike will cause and the longer it goes on...

Kamala will regret her support for the strikers instead of looking out for the American people who will lose out in the long run with price increases on just about everything.

“Yes, it certainly does sound as though Daggett and his people stand for the working man and all Americans, as one can readily see and understand that such a tactic will hurt all Americans, some more than others. But these collectivists make anywhere between $85,000 and $200,000 a year, depending on how much overtime they work, whereas the average salary in America is approximately $56K. Their demands are both unreasonable and unrealistic, as they now demand “a 77% percent pay raise increase over six years” and chafe against new technology for fear of lost jobs. They all have nice little nest eggs set aside and can weather this shutdown infinitely better than those making only minimum wage, who will suffer during this strike, as shelves empty and many products become impossible to find, and all products’ prices rise to new, exorbitant highs.

The cost of this strike will be approximately $4.5 billion per day, according to investment bank J.P. Morgan. For each day, one can expect a week to recover, compounding the problem exponentially the longer it lasts. You can bet your bottom dollar that the corporations will pass along this loss to consumers in higher prices for everything.”

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