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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump Investors Losing Their Shirts!
Date: 09/18/2024 11:13 AM
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Trump Media & Technology Group DJT down another -3.5% today...

"The stock is edging lower on Wednesday after a CNBC poll suggested Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is more likely to win the November presidential election than Republican candidate Donald Trump.
This continues a downward trend for DJT stock, which has fallen significantly from its peak earlier this year. The stock is now trading near its all-time low.
The company's market capitalization is currently around $3.3 billion, despite reporting minimal revenue and substantial losses in all quarters."

In MAGA-LAND, their life savings are being eaten. The people that came in, they're eating the life savings. They're eating...they're eating the life savings of the people that live there.
And this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame. I've seen people on facebook...the people on facebook say 'my life savings is gone thanks to Trump' so maybe they said that.

Stay tuned MAGAs and be sure to invest as much as you can into Trumps new digital-real-estate-crypto scam! (If you have any $$ left after Truth Social ate most of it!)

Will the MAGAs ever learn?

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