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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: BiPartisan Policies
Date: 10/31/2024 6:34 PM
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Figurative of course! The violence is best saved for those in better shape, and those with the desire - like Sheeple Scouts from Hamburg to Sweden to Paris to Austin.

See? I talked about a major policy issue when it was said that Righties are mad that some of their issues didn't make national stage.

I simply said that TMF liberals cried Hitler and all sorts of stuff at Bush's anti-terror laws.

Then I begged them to just say "I supported the Patriot Act and Wiretaps under President Bush"

Reasonable request.

Gutless wonder - can't do it.

Why? Back then Sheeple's masters were ordering him to be against the W Bush stuff.

Yet, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, KAMALA HARRIS - all are with W Bush on this one.

And many others that I listed.

When Sheeple wants to go personal - I'll drive him to meltdowns over and over again.

Policy? Just listed multiple policies that Sheeple and ALL TMF Liberals were against and apologized in advance if they told me otherwise.


Oh, and one baaaaaa
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