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Author: lizgdal   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Priorities
Date: 11/01/2024 7:14 PM
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But I can't tell you what Harris' top economic priority would be.

Harris' website today only has one issue paper: "A NEW WAY FORWARD FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS, A Plan to Lower Costs and Create an Opportunity Economy". Harris's top priority is to "Strengthen the middle class", with a focus on lowering prices and producing quality jobs.

Harris promises to:
Fight price gouging and enhance competition.
Build more housing to bring down housing costs.
Strengthen the middle class with lower prices, tax cuts, and new investment.
Avoid driving prices higher with higher tariffs.
Lower medicine prices through negotiation.
Strengthen the Affordable Healthcare Act.
Continue building more U.S. factories and infrastructure with the Inflation Reduction Act.
Promote entrepreneurship.

Trump promises to:
Lower egg prices with lower energy prices.
Lower energy prices by 50% with massive subsidies.
Stop outsourcing with high tariffs.
Cut taxes mostly for the billionaires.
Repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act.
Deport the most people in history (same as the 2016 promise that failed).

The voters have made it pretty clear that the most important issue to them is the economy.

Nope. The most important issue for Repubs is the economy. The most important issue for Dems is democracy.
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