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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: In his own words
Date: 10/21/2024 7:56 AM
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Harris, in her closing arguments at rallies around the country, is using video clips of Demented Donald to illustrate what’s at stake:

At a United Auto Workers union hall in Lansing, Mich., on Friday, she showed video of Trump demeaning the labor of autoworkers by describing them as simply taking parts “out of a box” and putting them together — “we could have our child do it,” he claimed — and declaring his hatred of overtime pay.

But wait! There’s more!

On Saturday night in Atlanta, the video presentation focused on a shamefully dismissive comment by Trump about Amber Thurman, who died in 2022 after being unable to access medical care because of the state’s abortion restrictions. Trump, Harris said, was “cruel,” and “still refuses to take accountability, to take any accountability, for the pain and suffering he has caused.”


Clips of Trump describing his political opponents as “the enemy within” and threatening to use the military against them make the point more dramatically than anything a critic could say.


It turns out Republicans don’t want him seen, and Democrats do. Strange times.
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Author: g0177325   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: In his own words
Date: 10/22/2024 1:23 PM
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It turns out Republicans don’t want him seen, and Democrats do. Strange times.

And yet, Trump still seems to hold a rally or some other type of "camera face time" event every day that gets broadcast on C-SPAN or C-SPAN2. The latest campaign push is to get out the "bro vote" by appealing to young males. And it seems to be working: more black and Hispanic males are supporting Trump now than in 2020. I only hope that PO'ed women of all ages vote en masse for Harris. I'm considerably less optimistic about Harris winning in two weeks than I was a month ago.
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