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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: Sane-Washing Trump Incoherence
Date: 09/10/2024 1:05 PM
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It is a 2-way street with tariffs. I highly doubt that foreign countries are just going to bend over and accept the "foreign tax", as Trump calls it. They will almost certainly enact tariffs on USA goods imported into their countries.

Pretty sure I’ve seen this movie.

In 2018 Trump slapped tariffs on a bunch of stuff coming from China. In retaliation China put 25% tariffs on soybeans, the #1 export from the US to their country. Exports dropped 75%, from $17B to $6B.

The #2 category, civilian aircraft and aircraft parts also dropped 75% following Chinese tariffs. US exports went from $21 billion in this sector to $5 billion, and have never recovered.

So it appears that farmers and transportation workers (auto parts were also tariffed) took the brunt of it. Soybean exports have recovered, the factory jobs for aircraft and automotive have not.

It’s hard for some to imagine that other major powers (like China, among others) are not just going to sit back and “take it”, that they have levers of their own to pull. And, of course, when things get too bad, well, that’s when the actual fighting breaks out.

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