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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: LongTermBRK 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12539 
Subject: Re: considering coat tailing OXY
Date: 10/06/2024 5:44 PM
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Buffett acquired Coke from 1988 through 1989. The stock split in 1990 and 2012. Adjusting for the splits, I THINK Coke earned 32 cents in 1988 if my split adjusted math is right :). Buffett truly went all-in on Coke at the time, buying more than a $Billion of the stock.

Coke was one of the few companies in the world with a true global sales and distribution in even poorest of nations. Moats? Buffett said Coke was one of the most popular WORDS in the world, enjoyed a true duopoly with Pepsi in the US in terms of shelf space. And “lack of excess margin” ironically was the true MOAT. Buffett said Coke made a penny a can. Added something to the effect that if some one dropped $100 million in your lap—the last thing in the world you’d do would be to try to build a global distribution soft drink company to try to undercut Coke’s 1 penny a can profit. That margin of safety almost assured that Coke could pull the pricing lever when it had to. Which it has.

Buffett saw a half century, at least a clear quarter century, runway for Coke. Time has proven him 100% correct.
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