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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Is there Ranch for the Word Salad?
Date: 09/26/2024 12:02 AM
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Dope1: Lulzies. It's her on video.

The bubble is made of high strength steel.

Ah, the dreaded Dope1 "lulzies."

Grabbing a couple of random sentences from a few paragraphs inside a 30-minute speech isn't the flex you seem to think it is.

Here, try this persuasive economic policy wizardry from DonOLD Trump.

TRUMP: "All your furniture-makers are going to come back and come back bigger and stronger and better than ever before. They're mostly gone. They're all coming back. This is why people in countries want to kill me. They're not happy with me. This is why they want to kill me. They only kill consequential presidents. Remember that."

Um, first of all, obviously Trump wasn't killed.

Second, two assassination attempts were made on president Gerald Ford in 17 days and no one in the world would describe Ford as "consequential."

Finally, where in Trump's word salad is there one word that is policy-related or even slightly informative?

There's your Lulzies: Trump's completely worthless "economic" ideas.

And the idiots who still support that rapist felon.

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