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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41531 
Subject: Fire the Special Prosecutor, Hire Cannon as AG
Date: 10/24/2024 8:37 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 18
Multiple sources are reporting that Trump has not only confirmed on record that he would attempt to fire Special Counsel Jack Smith on Day One of a second Trump Administration -- something that technically only the Attorney General can do -- but has put Aileen Cannon on a short list to be US Attorney General.

This teaches no one anything not already known about Trump's ethics. However, it constitutes a situation which cannot be ignored by the federal courts handling his cases, particularly the district including Aileen Cannon.

At this point, she is being offered a clear quid pro quo to hold off taking any action in Trump's cases before her, at least prior to the election. It isn't a POTENTIAL conflict of interest anymore. It is now an ABSOLUTE conflict of interest RIGHT NOW. She should be removed from the case immediately by that district.

It would seem that Trump has also guaranteed he would create an immediate legal / constitutional crisis upon entering the White House because he would not have his staff in place at noon on Day One. It will take days or weeks to nominate and approve top Cabinet officials. In the mean time, the Justice Department will be under the operation of career professionals, many of whom would be likely to resign in protest before following a Trump directive to fire Jack Smith.

Seriously... Considering the prospect of Trump regaining power is like being trapped in a game of Constitutional Jenga that has miraculously created a tower twenty feet tall but is now surrounded by toddlers, egging on their uber-toddler overlord to kick the tower over.

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