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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Manlobbi 🐝🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Well, that didn't take long
Date: 05/18/2023 5:05 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 21
Goofyhoofy wrote:
This board has devolved into a crap filled version of Political Asylum.

The idea of discussing politics is conceptually no problem except that in this case has completely overcrowded other posts such that the actual board title now has no relation to the content.

Inspired by Goofyhoofy's unminced observation, I propose:
1. Creating a new board titled 'Political Asylum' at Halls of Shrewd'm alongside 'Atheist Shrewds'. The discussions related to politics can then be posted there without needing "OT" within the post title.
2. Moving the threads that are overwhelmingly having subjects of politics from 'Atheist Shrewds' board to the 'Political Asylum' board.
3. Political discussion can still be posted at 'Atheist Shrewds' but if they start to overcrowded other posts then authors here should encourage continuing the thread at 'Political Asylum'.

This is in no way to question readers having an interest in reading the political threads, but that they could be placed on a aboard with the title at least frequently matching the threads.

- Manlobbi
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