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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Today in the Life of Donald Trump
Date: 08/28/2024 3:17 PM
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So far today, this malignant narcissist has shared footage and photos his campaign took at Arlington National Cemetery for political purposes -- against the rules and laws that govern this hallowed ground. Arlington officials tried to stop this shameless draft dodger from politicizing the cemetery, and Trump staff physically attacked them.

Yet not a single republican here has condemned him.

In addition, just this morning Trump posted:

1. A photo of VP Harris and Hillary Clinton with text: “Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently...”

This is the republican candidate for the presidency. Seriously, WTF is wrong with you people for supporting this disgusting behavior?

2. A photo of VP Harris in an orange prison jumpsuit.

3. Multiple QAnon posts saying “Nothing can stop what is coming” with the QAnon slogan, “WWG1WGA.”

4. A photo of Obama and text asking followers to repost if they want Obama to be tried before a public military tribunal.

5. A post saying the DOJ and FBI were found guilty of crimes.

6. A post using the hashtag “Second American Revolution.”

7. A post that says “the Dirtbag Dem Criminal Organization in DC” is interfering with the election.

8. A post saying the January 6 Committee engaged in “sedition” and must “be indicted.”

9. Random photos of him and AI lions.

If this was your uncle or father, you would have him accessed for dementia but you're going to vote for him for the most powerful job in the world.

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