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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: JD VANCE in Europe
Date: 02/17/2025 6:14 PM
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Here’s a pro tip for you: just because a bunch of loser European groups call you a Nazi it doesn’t make you one.

Well, you’re no pro.

I’ve listed lots of facts that the AfD party are neo-nazis which you chose to ignore. That’s on you.

You can hide your head in the sand, but it doesn’t change reality.

Vice President Vance, and by default the Trump administration, are supporting neo-nazis.

Kind of like obscenity. You know it when you see it.

Björn Höcke, leader of the AfD party in the state of Thuringia, has twice been fined by a German court for using a banned Nazi slogan. The phrase, “Everything for Germany” (“Alles für Deutschland”) was a slogan of the Nazi stormtroopers and engraved on their daggers.

Höcke has engaged in extremist speech to the extent that a judge ruled that he could be described as a fascist without fear of a defamation suit, because such a description was a “value judgment based on facts.”

AfD members were exposed as participants in a November 2023 secret meeting of far-right extremists in Potsdam, including Austrian neo-Nazi Martin Sellner, who discussed a mass deportation plan for foreigners and "non-assimilated" Germans, as part of AfD’s strategy should it be elected to govern Germany.


Then came a speech in 2021, in which Höcke repeated a slogan used by the Nazis: “Everything for Germany.”

German law bans the phrase, and Höcke was charged with knowingly using a Nazi slogan. He claimed he wasn’t aware of the phrase’s history.

But then, he invoked the slogan again.

“He went to Gera in front of a public audience and he made everybody scream, ‘All for Germany,’ after he already knew that he was on criminal charges for this,” says Stephan Kramer, domestic intelligence chief in Thuringia, where the state chapter of the AfD is classified as an extremist organization and is under government surveillance. “Look. Any misunderstandings? ‘Oh, he didn’t know what that means.’ Let me remind you: He is a history teacher, a certified history teacher, and he knows damned well what this phrase means.”

Germany’s Enemy Within examines how such anti-immigrant rhetoric has found a foothold in Germany, allegations that it has inspired attacks, and how, if Höcke and the AfD win power in Thuringia, it would be the first time a far-right party has controlled a German state since the Nazis. The film is a potent look at violent far-right attacks and plots over the past decade, the increased political power of Germany’s far right, and the potential implications.

“This is exactly a situation that we would have never thought would occur after what we’ve learned in ‘33 to ‘45,” Kramer, the domestic intelligence chief in Thuring.


Even far-right Marine Le Pen won’t get near the AFD.

In response to the remarks, France’s far-right National Rally (RN) announced it would no longer sit with the AfD in the European Parliament.

RN leader Marine Le Pen told French radio that "it was urgent to establish a cordon sanitaire" between the parties.


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