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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: Odzar   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: US vs int'l stocks: Change coming?
Date: 03/12/2025 2:57 PM
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I'd be careful about any drastic reallocation based on policies of a new president who won by a small margin. There will be backlashes and anti-backlashes and lots of chaos, but national cultures don't just permanently change overnight. I might even agree the U.S. has seen its peak in global influence, but even so it will be a very slow decline, during which US businesses will keep plugging along.

Now if you want to favor international over US based on *valuations*, I'm on board with that.

I also agree with BenSolar that small caps and value will make a comeback. In addition to DFSV in the US, there's a similar international fund, AVDV, from Avantis (a younger sibling of Dimensional Funds). Not much history, so you'd probably want to check out their "factor" based strategy (https://www.avantisinvestors.com/avantis-individua...), and the CIO, Eduardo Repetto. Here's a video interview with him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2DHFPIeY5c&t=3500...
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