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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: NV False Elector Case Rejected: Venue
Date: 06/22/2024 1:14 PM
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The "end of expertise" era started a lot longer ago than 2016. It goes back at least as far as the movement in the 1980's (?) whereby kids at an early age are indoctrinated with everyone gets a participation trophy.

It has to do with a minority party that could not win on issues, so they relied on fake cultural memes (war on Christmas, being woke, etc. aka SQUIRREL!!!!), voter suppression (mainly of blacks and other minorities), gerrymandering, outright lies, changing rules to benefit themselves, whining about being victims, installing right wing extremist judges, enforcing their religious beliefs on everyone else, and demonization of opponents.

It has morphed into an anti-democratic cult that worships a sociopathic criminal who must be obeyed and defended at all costs, regardless of our Constitution and laws.

Blaming trophies fits right in with their victimhood and blaming everyone but themselves for the situation they are in.

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