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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: I changed my mind
Date: 03/14/2025 6:41 PM
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Given that, play this out - after the Democrats reject the CR, what do you think happens?

More chaos.

But if they acquiesce, more bad things will happen. At least the Dems can show they have a backbone to their constituents. Right now, they're like overcooked noodles. Most of their complaints are delivered pathetically (like weird songs and chants at protests, and wishy-washy words in speeches).

They only argument I see in favor is that the Reps might actually want a shutdown. That's what Musk and DOGE is all about: ending government. My contention is that people will realize faster that this is a bad thing if there is a general shutdown. Speed-up the slow-motion train wreck we're already experiencing.
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