No. of Recommendations: 29
Reading this board, one would come to the conclusion that the democrats are pure as the driven snow.
As a registered Democrat for over 50 years, I can assure you that the Democrats are NOT as pure as the driven snow.
However, they currently have something going for them that the Republicans don’t. They believe in democracy and the rule of law.
And, quite frankly, they’re relatively sane, especially compared to the Trump led Republican Party.
Two healthy political parties that respect the rules and our institutions seems to work best when it comes to maintaining our republic. You know, actually having policies to offer to citizens.
I strongly disliked living under several Republican presidents and disagreed with many of their policies, but I never worried about the survival of our democracy until the arrival of Trump and his total disregard for rules, institutions, laws, and truth, not to mention the unease that so many Americans blindly follow this sick, dishonest, and immoral person.