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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: jetjockey787   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: I’m Trimming - Filed @472
Date: 08/30/2024 1:01 PM
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It was just coincidence that my first sell order of BRK in over 28 years ownership happened to occur on Warren’s 94th birthday. I went to all cash in my ROTH account. These were the youngest shares I’ve ever owned, all purchased around the same time in summer of 2018. CAGR is about 16.5% during that short period. I’ve reduced my concentration in BRK from 85% net worth to just under 80%. My 401K at Schwab is next, where I still have a ways to go, where I hope to go all cash and reduce my total BRK concentration to about 60% of net worth, that portion of which will remain in my taxable brokerage account at Fidelity where I do not intend to ever sell. My plan is to keep raising limit orders as well as increasing the magnitude of each order, presupposing of course that this momentum rally continues…a big if……I can be ambivalent and indecisive at times. Who knows?….if it stalls out and swiftly goes back down, I may do nothing.

Any ideas or suggestions on how to proceed at this point? Not trying to find a top of course, as I could either be too early or too late, such are the dilemmas when trying to sell. I find these decisions are the hardest. Thank God, I don’t have to make decisions like this very often but it’s time for me to readjust my asset allocation while valuation is elevated so I can sleep a tad bit better at night as I turn 70 this Nov. I have mixed emotions selling for the first time, and it’s like saying goodbye to an old friend, at least in 2 of my 3 accounts. Warren is on one shoulder whispering, “We are looking for long term partners” and Charlie on the other shoulder yelling, “Don’t sell the damn stock!” 🤦‍♂️😩
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