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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Who will fight for you?
Date: 10/28/2024 10:35 AM
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Astonishing that anyone could have trouble deciding. Trump is so clearly UNFIT in every way imaginable.

Under this framing, it's easy to see why Trump supporters love him.

Trump is going to fight the liberals and progressives. He's not fighting for his voters, but he'll fight against their opponents all the same. He hates the right people, his enemies are Republicans' enemies, and if there's one thing that Trump likes to do, it's fight people he thinks are against him.

So while Trump will fight against the people his base thinks should be fought, Harris is on the wrong side. She's fighting for the "bad guys," in their estimation. She's fighting for the people who want to make the country worse, fighting for the people who have terrible plans for the future.

I think Trump voters are a lot more confident that Trump will fight against their opponents than Harris voters are confident that Harris will fight against their opponents. Trump's making no quarter with the liberal left, but Harris is drawing some unhappy thoughts from progressives with her tough on crime, tough on the border, Liz Cheney buddy road show....
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