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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Sane-Washing Trump Incoherence
Date: 09/10/2024 9:00 AM
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"It functions much like a sales tax. And like a sales tax, it is a form of regressive taxation."

Had a discussion with an acquaintance this weekend about the Trump Tariff's. He's convinced that it's gonna solve all of the debt issues, including the national debt. I told him that the consumer at the end of the transaction chain will bear the brunt of these tariffs, and he tried telling me that the foreign companies will eat all of the cost.

Gave him an example of, in the Northern States there is no local produce grown in the Winter, except whatever greenhouses can produce. Told him that when I buy fruits and veggies in the Winter, label states that they're from Mexico, or Chile, or whatever Southern Hemisphere warm weather country. Told him that with these products, there is not much choice as to buying from an alternative provider, so the importer will NOT eat the cost of the tariffs. Told him to expect inflation to go much higher. Don't think I got thru to him, but didn't try real hard, not worth the effort.

MAGA wants to follow the ideas of the guy that bankrupted 3 casinos. The House Always Wins is the main adage of the Casino Business. And he bankrupted 3 of them. I'm not religious, but God Help Us All, lol.
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