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Author: jetjockey787   😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: Re: OT - EV battery discussion - solid state batteries
Date: 12/16/2024 7:37 PM
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I’m wondering however where massive demand for EVs will come when you look at these simple demographics and population density statistics:


When you have this many living in dense urban areas, in apartments, condos, multi-family dwellings, even venturing out into the burbs, how will the electrical grid recharging infrastructure work in a time efficient manner? Folks have their cars parked underground or in rising multi-level tiers, or even offsite, so where to charge without lengthy delays, and without crawling all over each other? Apartments in the burbs…same thing…will they rollout charging stations accessible to all those dwelling in these condensed areas? I think it will be a huge mess. People in single family homes can install the 220 volt outlets, but what about those who do not have that advantage? Or garages? Or just have off street parking? Gotta look at pop densities if you’re going to try and project future demand and where exactly will the majority of urban dweller's scramble to get their charge at peak times. Again, key fact - 83% of US population lives in urban areas. Critical mass?
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