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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: Helene Landfall
Date: 10/01/2024 2:42 PM
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It's too bad these people want to save a nickel on a gallon go gas in exchange for more Climate Change but what can we do.

It's political realities, not science. People want to save that nickel, and will vote for whomever they think can make that happen. Further, if you just shut off the fossil fuels, we would be in immediate crisis because alternatives can't -yet- pick up the load. We're making progress, but deploying new infrastructure is expensive.

I would love it if we could strangle fossil fuels TODAY. But we can't. If we build enough nuclear reactors**, we could. But we first have to build them.

A new solar farm went up within the past few years near Phoenix. We are deploying more. It just takes time. They've announced another one to be built just west of Phoenix (announcement last April; not sure if they've started it yet).

Internationally, many countries are making progress. Norway just announced that EVs outnumber petrol vehicles for the first time.

**Solar only works when it's sunny, wind farms only work when it's windy. Nuclear is vital to make up the difference when those modes are not working. Improvements in battery tech would help the renewables (solar/wind), but nuclear will have to play a part because solar/wind are not 100% reliable.
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