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Author: intercst   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Obamacare expanded subsidies expiration
Date: 11/18/2024 2:52 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 3
One the first opportunities the new One Party Gov't will have to "stick-it to the "woke" mob", is to let the expanded Obamacare subsidies expire, and then use the savings to fund more tax cuts for the rich.

free link

{{ But eliminating the subsidy increase poses political risks. If subsidies fall to their pre-2021 level, experts say, many new subscribers would choose not to renew their coverage — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted that 3.4 million more people would become uninsured — and many of them live in states that lean heavily Republican. Health policy research organization KFF said that if the subsidy expansion expires, premiums would more than double in 12 heavily Republican states — including Texas, West Virginia and Alaska — while rising less sharply in many blue states. }}

Give them what they voted for -- good and hard {{LOL }}

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