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Author: MisterFungi   😊 😞
Number: of 56 
Subject: Re: Italy bound
Date: 11/15/2024 12:18 PM
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<<We bought it at the Forum entrance, and there were three people ahead of us.>>

We've purchased our tickets to the Coliseum/Forum online, through the official website, https://ticketing.colosseo.it/en/

You select a date/time for entry into the Coliseum, and the ticket is also good for entry into the Forum within 24 hours. Online info recommends entering the Forum through one of the entrances other than the one nearest the Coliseum that most individuals and tour groups use. We'll be going to the Coliseum first thing in the morning (8:30), so the line for folks with tickets should be modest, esp. in early December.

We've also purchased in advance our tickets to the Vatican Museums. This also requires selecting a date/time. We've opted for a late Tuesday afternoon (4:30 PM). A pro-tip I've heard is to head straight for the Sistine Chapel, which is at the end of the Vatican Museums, and then backtrack to the entry/exit to visit the other galleries. We may try that, if needed. https://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani...

We may visit St. Peter's Basilica (which does not require a ticket) that same day or else go another day, as it's only a 20-minute walk from where we'll be staying. We prefer to visit on our own rather than with a tour.

Probably the only other popular "sightsee" thing we'll visit while in Rome is the Pantheon, also a short walk from our rental apartment. Their official website appears to offer tickets only for the current month. If so, we'll have to wait until we're already in Rome to buy tickets: https://www.museiitaliani.it/en/museums/33f77159-0...

I'm sure we'll wander through numerous churches, galleries, landmarks, and such. But we purposely don't over-plan and prefer to take our days as the spirit moves us.
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