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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 17 
Subject: refinishing the front door
Date: 03/06/2025 5:08 PM
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Being in Phoenix, it gets really hot. Our front door is in an enclosed porch. So it never gets direct sun, nor does it get rained on. But the exterior finish is getting dull and rough. Interior is still smooth and relatively shiny.

The door has multiple recessed panels. My concern is that when sanding off the old finish, I will round the edges of those recessed panels. The flat bits are easy with an orbital sander. I'm going to have to do the recesses by hand. Which heightens my concerns about rounding the edges of the panels. Any advice on how not to round those edges?
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 17 
Subject: Re: refinishing the front door
Date: 03/09/2025 4:41 PM
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The door has multiple recessed panels. My concern is that when sanding off the old finish, I will round the edges of those recessed panels. The flat bits are easy with an orbital sander. I'm going to have to do the recesses by hand. Which heightens my concerns about rounding the edges of the panels. Any advice on how not to round those edges? - 1pg


I have not run up against the specific problem you are facing, but my thought is, if sanding is not practical, then don't sand.

I have refinished a few metal cabinets and metal containers over the years and have had good results using a paint stripper. The stripper has to set for a while as it turns the paint into a goo (consistency like a soft toothpaste) that can be wiped off with a paper towel. A second application may be required if there are spots where the paint is not completely goo-ified. It doesn't damage the metal so there is no downside to giving it a try.

good luck,

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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 17 
Subject: Re: refinishing the front door
Date: 03/10/2025 4:31 PM
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Sanding will almost certainly be necessary. Another person I interact with has mentioned a paint stripper. I'll need to find a good one that won't damage the wood. Being able to wipe it off with a paper towel is appealing. Less abrasion of the wood with scraping tools.
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