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Author: elann 🐝 GOLD
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Number: of 3320 
Subject: Re: Value Line data
Date: 02/21/2025 4:38 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 13
Alright, just explain --- what is the value of Value Line? It seems they knowingly publish garbage in some fields which people have identified, contacted them them and either got ignored or got the roach letter.

How confident are you that other fields aren't garbage?

How confident are you that their T1-T5 ratings are not also garbage?

Good questions, with no good answers. I've noted before that I'm not sure VL is regularly updating the annual and quarterly data for balance sheet and income statement information. The two screens that I continue to use, ROE_Cash and ROE_Cash2, have had negligible turnover in the last few months. These are naturally low turnover screens, but their turnover has been markedly lower recently.

As for Timeliness, who's to tell if it's right? It's a proprietary item to begin with. I continue to use it for my 6/3 option picks, which continue to perform well.

Overall, this is pushing me toward a change in strategy from MI stock picking to index ETFs, which is prudent anyway at my age. I've started making that transition gradually. In a year or two I probably won't be holding any more individual stocks.

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