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Author: Umm 🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: The courts can't seem to stop him
Date: 03/17/2025 7:18 PM
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"Generally speaking, people who are accused of being illegal trash get to have an opportunity in court to try to argue that they're not." - Albaby

"Technically, no. Say somebody is in the country illegally and they're arrested for say, DUI. The LEO can run the ID of the person and figure out they're not a citizen, call ICE, and then that person is deported." - Dumbass, Fascist Dope

Dope says this, then I bet in the next couple of days he will say he wants rule of law. Dope wouldn't know the rule of law if it smacked him in the face.

Here is a hint Dope, the executive branch making people disappear without judicial review isn't rule of law. It is what authoritarian Fascists do and support.

Now I know that you (or Mike, or LM) are going to whine about being called dumbass fascists, but it is because people are starting to get pissed off that you are destroying a great country with your ignorance and fascist actions.
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