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Author: Manlobbi 🐝🐝🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 12641 
Subject: OT: Research questions for software ETF
Date: 02/06/2025 1:50 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 22
I’m just passing these questions by here, which might also interest Berkshire readers, from the Index Investing board:


I’m interested to work out how much software firms have under/outperformed (as intrinsic value growth, not share price increase) the rest of the NASDAQ.

Please reply only via the thread above.

- Manlobbi

PS: At least where I am, doing a Google search for “Berkshire Hathaway Message Boards” is putting Shrewd’m right near the top (above dozens of forums and second only to Yahoo). The same with “Mechanical Investing Message Boards”. I used a DuckDuckGo private browser and no login to make sure, and same result. Surprising considerint we are still in early days, but a pleasant start for public visibility. The search engines like your posts, even if not many are posting links to this site. Please do place url links to your articles, or article you like here, at other websites (or paste the url to other forums that you use, or even within comments that you place elsewhere) as this will increase future authorship.

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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: OT: Research questions for software ETF
Date: 02/06/2025 2:12 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 7
PS: At least where I am, doing a Google search for “Berkshire Hathaway Message Boards” is putting Shrewd’m right near the top (above dozens of forums and second only to Yahoo). The same with “Mechanical Investing Message Boards”. I used a DuckDuckGo private browser and no login to make sure, and same result.

FWIW, I also get Shrewd'm at #2, and COBF (Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax) at #7, on both Chrome and Safari (whether signed in or signed out), but who knows whether their algorithms know I have spent time on these boards and perhaps that influences the ranking.

Nice going!

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