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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Debate Missed Op's
Date: 09/11/2024 12:37 PM
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Harris missed some wide open chances to go for the jugular. trump sure doesn't "play nice" so deal him the same hand.

It appears her strategy was to focus her more personal attacks on Trump not for the audience at home, but for Trump's ego.

When attacking for the audience at home, she went after the state of the country at the end of his Presidency - that he left office with the highest unemployment, a public health crisis, and the worst attack on democracy since the civil war (paraphrasing). But when she criticized his personal failings, she went after the stuff that would make him mad - leaders laughing at him, "his generals" thinking he's terrible, his crowds being bored with him. Stuff he couldn't lay off of, so that he would show how easily provoked he was live on national TV - and would get so wound around his own axle that he wouldn't be able to go after her at all.

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