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- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 2
Rogan: "There are very few things that will turn you into a conservative more than martial arts training."
Vance: "Have you seen all these studies that basically connect testosterone levels in young men with conservative politics?"
"Maybe that's why the Democrats want us all to be, you know, poor health and overweight is because, because that means that we're gonna be more liberal."
"If you make people less healthy, they apparently become more politically liberal. That's an interesting observation."
"My secret theory is that Zuck is now a Trump supporter, but he can't say that publicly of course, but hopefully he is."
No. of Recommendations: 2
So, I’m a first dan in Okinawan Jiu jitsu.
Didn’t turn me into a conservative- at least not as Trump’s bro culture fake masculinity defines “conservative”.
No. of Recommendations: 8
"Maybe that's why the Democrats want us all to be, you know, poor health and overweight is because, because that means that we're gonna be more liberal."
Vance, of course, is an ignorant opportunist that will turn on his followers for a quick buck. He wouldn’t know what a conservative is if they bit him on the buttocks.
And, we’ve been down this road before. Let’s look at life expectancy by state (ages range from 78.4 to 80.7):
New Hampshire
Awful lot of liberal blue there and some clean living Mormons.
And the worst life expectancy (ranging 71.9 to 74.8):
South Carolina
New Mexico
West Virginia
Awful lot of deep conservative red on that list.
So shame on Vance for being such an ignorant liar. And like Trump, believing what Vance says will actually kill you.
But giving Vance credit where credit is due; he sure knows a sucker when he sees one.
LOLOLOLOL right back at you.
No. of Recommendations: 1
So, I’m a first dan in Okinawan Jiu jitsu.
Every rule has an exception <--- 1st Dan in Tae Kwon Do + rank in Kali/Escrima
No. of Recommendations: 5
Every rule has an exception <--- 1st Dan in Tae Kwon Do + rank in Kali/Escrima
So you’ve been around a few dojos too. When I was a kid, I also earned a green belt in Okinawan karate. Mas Oyama was a boyhood hero of mine- as well as Gogen Yamaguchi (The Cat). But that was years ago, and except for whatever muscle memory remains, I’ve probably forgotten more about karate than I ever learned.
Jiu jitsu was more recent- mid nineties. For three hours a night, twice a week, for five years, six of us would show up to our teacher’s house, move the living room furniture into the his office, and that bare room became our training ground.
It was the spirituality of martial arts that always attracted me- not the kitsch of “Ah, grasshopper” stuff- but the spirit that lay behindthe various martial arts themselves.
My teacher, Professor Gary Jones, studied under Professor Don Beech who studied under Professor [memory fails me at this point], who studied under Professor Seishiro “Henry” Okazaki, the founder of Danzan ryu jujitsu.
My teacher, as all senseis seem to do, had a handful of sayings which he repeated endlessly.
Rule number 1: Run-fu beats kung-fu. Translation- if you can avoid having to fight, that’s always the best case.
Rule #2: Ninety percent of fights end up on the ground Translation- (on the ground-where all those fancy roundhouse and spinning kicks won’t do you any good.)
Rule #3: when you get up from the ground, if your opponent is still moving, you did something wrong. And of course, the translation- if you have no choice but to fight, then finish the fight.
And guess what? In my entire adult life, I’ve never been in a physical fight. And paradoxically, I owe a large part of that to martial arts training and the spirituality it imparts- of not looking for a fight, not wanting a fight, not provoking a fight….. but being ready to fight if I have to in order to defend myself or those I love.
Now…. At 75 years oldz, I don’t have the speed, agility or strength I once had. I haven’t trained in a dojo for two decades. But I still have the attitude and the muscle memory, and probably the advantage of being underestimated by any untrained adversary who only sees an old man whose joints hurt.
But…. Why push it?
I’d like my long streak of non violence to contine.
No. of Recommendations: 4
"I’d like my long streak of non violence to continue"
Commend you for that !
I grew up urban, luv'd playing hoops. Played a lot in the Black part of town, because that's
where the best players were at. Many times, the only white kid ( teen ) there. I avoided many
physical confrontations just by being level-headed, and not reacting to verbal insults.
I'd actually laugh when called a "honky", what the hell did that made up word mean to me,lol ?
Learned early in life that there is always someone tougher. Seen lots of fights, seen bullies
get an azz whippin. Martial Arts teach as much mental discipline as fighting technique.
Always noticed that the real good ones never ran their mouth.
No. of Recommendations: 1
It was the spirituality of martial arts that always attracted me- not the kitsch of “Ah, grasshopper” stuff- but the spirit that lay behindthe various martial arts themselves.
Same. Even though I would compete in tournaments, I found by far the most enjoyment in executing all the various forms for each level. At one point I knew ~20 of them.
My teacher, Professor Gary Jones, studied under Professor Don Beech who studied under Professor [memory fails me at this point], who studied under Professor Seishiro “Henry” Okazaki, the founder of Danzan ryu jujitsu.
Cool! My Tae Kwon Do instructors all knew General Choi from South Korea and my Kali/Silat instructor was a Dan Inosanto student. (Dan I was one of Bruce Lee's first students). I always though the martial arts family tree concept was neat.
I've taught self defense also (informally), and my rules are similar to yours:
1. Your brain is the most powerful weapon you have
2. Avoid physical conflict if you can, because once it's on there are many outcomes and a lot of them are really bad
3. If it's Game On and there's no avoiding it, then fight to win.
My streak of not hitting anyone in anger goes all the way back to 10th grade and it's something I'm proud of. The first and most real lesson of martial arts is to be ready at all times...but ideally you never have to do anything.
Like you I don't have the flexibility I used to, but I've recently set a goal to be able to do front splits again. I've never heard of anyone who could do front splits ever having back pain, so I figured that was a good thing to shoot for...
No. of Recommendations: 1
Like you I don't have the flexibility I used to, but I've recently set a goal to be able to do front splits again. I've never heard of anyone who could do front splits ever having back pain, so I figured that was a good thing to shoot for...
Good goal!
I’ve taken a break from the gymn- may only go back to pick up those things I cant do at home.
My wife tore a meniscus about six months ago. We used to go to the gymn together, but now that she’s been hobbling around, that’s been on hold. It took the ortho guy 4 months of jacking around to diagnose it. Don’t ask me why- my wife is pissed, but she’s finally scheduled for arthroscopic repair on the 11th, so we should be back at the gymn fairly soon. In the meantime, it’s walking, some cycling, stretches, floor/body weight exercises and some kettlebells.
I was never, repeat NEVER able to do full splits of any kind, so good on you.
No. of Recommendations: 6
Rogan is a Covid denier, and to keep the ratings up, is now a HIV/AIDS denier, making sick people's lives more difficult.
No. of Recommendations: 16
Rogan is a Covid denier, and to keep the ratings up, is now a HIV/AIDS denier, making sick people's lives more difficult.
I must have missed a meeting somewhere in the past twenty years.
We're talking about Joe Rogan. A guy who was a bit-character on the 90s sitcom NewsRadio with Phil Hartman, Dave Foley and Mauri Tierney which folded within a year of Phil Hartman dying tragically. Rogan moved upward and onward to host a TV reality show Fear Factor, in which he handled the awesome responsibility of emceeing contestants eating live bugs and similar intellectual challenges.
Yet this guy is now host of one of the most widely listened-to podcasts on a daily basis?
America, do you really get your news about medicine, economics and the law from a guy who "hosted" a show where people ate bugs to entertain other people? Is it not apparent there are other people more versed in any of those areas from which to source your information?
America isn't a house divided. It's a house lobotomized.
No. of Recommendations: 1
No. of Recommendations: 0
Thanks, dope!
No. of Recommendations: 6
America isn't a house divided. It's a house lobotomized.This is news to you?
Trump studied Vince and Linda McMahon's WWE business model, the kayfabe. The McMahons capitalize on the audience's laziness and greed. It easier to be entertained by productions that do not require intellectual involvement.
A WWE fan does not need to read and understand Shakespeare or Nietzsche to enjoy violent entertainment and/or fantasy violent entertainment like 'The Battle of the Billionaires.'
Trump learned to promise that audience something he cannot ever deliver. The audience get to participate in the Trump kayfabe; suspending reality, imagining that Trump can really beat 'the enemy' on their behalf.
In professional wrestling, kayfabe (/ˈkeɪfeɪb/) is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged. The term kayfabe has evolved to also become a code word of sorts for maintaining this "reality" within the direct or indirect presence of the general public.
No. of Recommendations: 2
A WWE fan does not need to read and understand Shakespeare or Nietzsche to enjoy violent entertainment and/or fantasy violent entertainment like 'The Battle of the Billionaires.'
Reminds me of the scene in "Idiocracy" where the popular TV show is called "Ow My Balls" and portrays guys getting whacked in the nut sack in various ways. feels like we are veering dangerously close to Idiocracy.
No. of Recommendations: 8
<<And, we’ve been down this road before. Let’s look at life expectancy by state (ages range from 78.4 to 80.7):
Yup. DW and I bought a condo in Waikiki 13 years ago and spend half the year there. I love it. At age 75, I continue to paddle competitively with a local outrigger canoe club and also have my own 1-man canoe (OC1). I completed the 42-mile open-ocean race from Molokai to Waikiki a couple of weeks ago, a longtime goal of mine. I was the oldest guy paddling with an Open crew, but there were two guys in their 80s paddling in the 65+ age group. :-)
You can watch it here:
No. of Recommendations: 4
Yup. DW and I bought a condo in Waikiki 13 years ago and spend half the year there. I love it. At age 75, I continue to paddle competitively with a local outrigger canoe club and also have my own 1-man canoe (OC1).
Facts, and life expectancy, have a liberal bias.