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Author: ciao8   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Semper Augustus & "The China Syndrome&qu
Date: 03/20/2024 7:14 PM
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This year's Semper Augustus 150 page missive to investors by Christopher Bloomstran is, as always, a full night several scotch read with lots of thought provoking thoughts and comments.


The part that really caught my interest this year starts at page 66, "The China Syndrome".
The fact that China's population (~1.5Billion) started its decline in 2021 and will continue to the end of the century ending at half it's current number.

The combination of a one child (preferred boy) policy in the 80's followed by extensive urbanization is changing the classic triangular population pyramid in the 80's to that of a shapely movie star (pick your fave) with HALF the people at the end of this century. ( see P.71)

Chris's 6 page discussion of this phenomena is very interesting along with all the world financial implications.

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Author: sykesix 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Semper Augustus & "The China Syndrome&qu
Date: 03/21/2024 4:08 PM
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Very enjoyable read.
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Author: Blackswanny   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Semper Augustus & "The China Syndrome&qu
Date: 03/21/2024 6:48 PM
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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Semper Augustus & "The China Syndrome&qu
Date: 03/21/2024 10:48 PM
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This thread should be marked OT as it definitely has nothing to do with Berkshire. Ok, it isn't labeled as it should be, and I have a comment which admittedly is even more about politics than economics:

China under it's current leaders is becoming more and more dictatorial as shown by a recent event: Reporters of the official state(!) TV broadcaster CCTC were hindered by police to report about a massive explosion in Yanjiao. To censor a state(!) broadcaster is new even for China. A critical comment of the former chief editor of the also state(!) paper "Global Times" disappeared as quickly as that of the state(!) journalists society.

I think the West should seriously try to reduce it's depency on a country whose leaders convert it more and more into a draconian dictatorship.

Sorry for another post which belongs to the "Political Asylum" board. Couldn't keep my mouth shut.

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