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Yeah, except that that’s not four years ago. It’s five years ago.
Sure - but it's just a rhetorical device. It's shorthand for, "were you happier with the way the economy affected you personally 'back in the day' before this guy was in charge, or do you prefer now?" The assessment that most voters will make is to compare the 'normal' Before Times status of the Trump years to the current 'normal' After Times present of the Biden years. And many are not liking that comparison.
That's the reason Trump isn't "toast," and the reason that the Democrats aren't doing better. There's a big swatch of voters that dislike Trump as a person, and perhaps as an Executive, but also think that for all his faults the economy was humming along better under his watch than Biden's. So they are torn between Trump's chaos and fears of a Harris economy turning out like Biden's (which, again, they do not like). They trust him more on the border and immigration issues as well, and the GOP has done a very good job of raising the salience on that issue (I've said before, they need to give Abbott a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue if they win).