No. of Recommendations: 10
Well, I couldn’t have come up with a more perfect metaphor for Trump and his campaign; a garbage truck.
In addition to his obvious dementia and inability to string two coherent sentences together, we now have a video of the morbidly obese Trump attempting to grab the garbage truck handle (it only took him 3 tries), stumbling like a drunk on an all night bender, and almost falling on his ass trying to climb into the truck.
On a side note, the video raises questions about why Trump wants to see every woman’s health records but we can’t see his.
But the icing on the cake is Trump, in his XXXX sized orange vest, sitting in the passenger side of a Trump garbage truck (having a driving license is only for the little people). Shades of Mike Dukakis!
The perfect metaphor.
For the
garbage Trump spews daily.
For the
trash talking Trump does to anyone who disagrees with him.
For the
debris Trump leaves in his wake.
For the
filth of Trump’s hatred.
For the
slop Trump leaves for others to clean up.
For the
rubbish Trump plans to foist upon us with his
junk policies such as a national abortion ban, tariffs that are paid for by Americans, overturning the ACA, enemies list, retribution, Project 2025, etc.