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Stocks A to Z / Stocks U / Upstart Holdings (UPST)
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Author: BenSolar   😊 😞
Number: of 116 
Subject: Short Squeeze!
Date: 07/17/2023 11:31 PM
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UPST zoomed up 13.7% today on no news. I think the recent improved inflation report, strong job numbers, and the older news of UPST having significant funding available have combined for some of the heavy short interest to back away from their position, buying to cover before they lose even more money.

I'm happy to report that today's move has put me back in the black on my UPST position. I had a couple of buys at prices in the low-mid 70s, then another chunk at ~$30. I did not have the nerve to buy more when it dipped into the low teens, but I'm glad I didn't give up.

The long term story remains to be told, but I think they have a bright future.
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