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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: What's your take on the Macro in the US?
Date: 03/05/2025 8:42 AM
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Timing the purchase(s) is tricky. I don't have any detailed plan, I'm just going to start some machinations to make some funds ready to invest.

I have been doing that for about 6 months. As the laddered CDs pay out I’ve been putting some of the monies into good paying money markets. The payout is slightly less than rolling it into another CD, but it’s worth it to me to have some ready funds in case the market swoons (which I expect, to some degree at least.)

I’ve also consolidated a couple of accounts which had trifling amounts of cash sitting at the bottom, the result of dividends collected etc. (I rarely, if ever, choose “reinvest”) so the cash accumulates and earns practically nothing. If I sweep it into just one or two of the accounts I can then put that in a money market and wait… which is what I’m doing now.

[Sidebar: Meanwhile I am also looking for non-swoon candidates: one of them is public companies in the drone business. There are relatively few, and a couple of them are so big that it wouldn’t matter to their stock price (Amazon, Northrop, Boeing). But with the debut and advances we’ve seen in warfare in Ukraine and the use of cheap drones to deliver perfectly on target munitions without any risk to human pilots, I’d think that is an area of “commerce” that’s ripe for growth, market bubble or not. Of course I think the hype with “Amazon delivery by drone” is just that, it’s hard to see how that would scale, but it’s a nice companion story, even if I don’t believe it. The “commercial drone” business: farmers, surveyors, even law enforcement is interesting too. And of course there’s hobbyists, a growing number I think. If I get into it - since I know nothing about that business, I would probably play it as a gorilla game scenario: small bets across a few of them, consolidating as the market reveals itself, assuming it ever does.]

Anyway, always a new game to play, and it’s like the man says: step right up, put your money down. (Not yet, but I think it’s coming.)
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