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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41625 
Subject: Re: Feel good story of the day
Date: 09/20/2024 5:31 PM
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The first wave was pagers. If we're sure only Hezbollah members use them, that might be OK. Though I'd still be concerned about it on an aircraft. Yes, in a public market there could be a few people injured. On an aircraft, you could lose the whole thing (including passengers and crew).

Second wave was other devices, including walkies. I have walkies (somewhere). 1poorlady wanted them when we traveled in case we got separated. That was in the days before unlimited international data/talk minutes. Since we travel internationally, we have such a plan and have no need. But that's just us.

I don't think a proportionality analysis applies when you are in contravention of international law. Let's say they booby-trapped a military device. Then, sure. Someone near the perp in a market may get hurt, but you're also not violating international law. And such a military device wouldn't be allowed on a plane, so that wouldn't be an issue.

If they were in an all-out war, like Ukraine, that might change the calculus (and international law??). But they really aren't. At least not yet. Could still happen.
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