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Author: knighttof3   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: IF Harris is the nominee...
Date: 07/19/2024 3:34 AM
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There's a problem with Shapiro, though: He's a conservative Jew.
Imagine how nuts the Code Pinkos and the From the River To The Sea crowd of anti-semites (that make up a significant proportion of the democrat base) will react if they nominate him as veep.

The riots they're going to have would go up a notch in intensity.

Oh the "Jews will not replace us" fine people on one side were Democrats? I had no idea.

I did think about his religion when I suggested his name. IMO the only people who will have a problem with it are extreme right wing Nazis like Fuentes and they were not going to vote Democrat anyway.

Democrats and independents elected a Black President and an IndoAfroAmerican VP. I'm pretty sure he is not going to lose any Democrat or independent votes because of his religion.
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