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I think the comments on Epstein are possibly controversial.
For example;
I read somewhere that Ben Graham had a mistress.
Susie B was also annoyed by the amount of time Warren spent with Katherine Graham and even found him a new partner Astrid when she moved to the West Coast and explored new relationships.
Did I read this in Snowball?
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Yes and Katherine Graham throwing her hotel room key to Warren. Something along those lines
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We also know that Warren has overlooked the Epstein relationship as Gates is still in his inner circle
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" I think the comments on Epstein are possibly controversial.
For example;
I read somewhere that Ben Graham had a mistress."
Sorry bud, most healthy sober Americans differentiate between a , mistress, and under age teens, being pimped, comprende?
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Out of context HC
The Epstein relationship is controversial having a mistress is not. That's what I meant.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Bill Gates has ties to Anthony Fauci and we no know (not conspiracy) theory that NIH funded Wuhan:
NIH Dep. Director Lawrence Tabak Admits NIH Funded Gain-of-Function at Wuhan
Testimony contradicts Dr. Fauci's fiery denials to Senator Rand Paul three years ago.
MAY 16
The following is a CSPAN video of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s May 11, 2021 sworn testimony in which he vehemently denies Senator Rand Paul’s accusation that the NIH funded Gain-of-Function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci’s assertion begins at 1:59 on the timer.
Today, almost exactly three years later, NIH Principle Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak admitted that that the NIH did fund Gain-of-Function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Note that Lawrence tries to muddy the waters by calling it “generic” Gain-of-Function.” This is yet another prevarication designed to confuse the dumb bunny mainstream media and its dumb bunny consumers.
The definition of Gain-of-Function and its attendant risks were clearly defined in a 2015 Workshop titled POTENTIAL RISKS AND BENEFITS OF GAIN-OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH, hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in 2015. As stated in the introduction:
On October 17, 2014, spurred by incidents at U.S. government laboratories that raised serious biosafety concerns, the U.S. government launched a 1-year deliberative process to address the continuing controversy surrounding so-called “gain-of-function” (GoF) research on respiratory pathogens with pandemic potential (White House, 2014a).1 GoF research is the latest example of U.S. efforts to develop oversight mechanisms for dual use research in the life sciences that can “reliably identify, and where necessary, mitigate risks while protecting scientific autonomy, discovery and innovation, public health, national security, and other critical interests” (Hebbeler, 2014).2
As discussed in Chapter 3, in virology “gain of function” refers to a type of mutation that results in an altered gene product that possesses a new molecular function or a new pattern of gene expression.
The GoF controversy began in late 2011 with the question of whether to publish the results of two experiments involving H5N1 avian influenza and continued to focus on certain research with highly pathogenic avian influenza over the next 3 years.3 The new U.S. policy expanded the scope to include experiments with the coronaviruses that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The heart of the U.S. process is an evaluation of the potential risks and benefits of certain types of GoF experiments with influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses that would “inform the development and adoption of a new U.S. Government policy governing the funding and conduct of gain-of-function research” (White House, 2014a:3). As part of the process, the government also instituted a pause in both new and current funding for some GoF research projects while the evaluation was carried out.
As anyone who has retained a shred of common sense understands, it is NOT a coincidence that SARS-CoV-2 was first detected in Wuhan China, near the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where bio-technicians were performing GoF research on SARS bat coronaviruses in order to make them infectious to the human respiratory tract.
All of the denials, deceptions, prevarications, and lies are the equivalent of a child emerging from a pantry with cookie crumbs on his face and a half eaten cookie in his hand while denying that he ate the cookies in the pantry’s empty cookie jar. It’s time for the U.S. government to quit playing along with this charade and refer all of these liars to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution.
No. of Recommendations: 5
What CrankyCharlie posted tempts me to a comment: It's very easy to dismiss anything which is against the Mainstream as "Conspiracy Theory".
1 or maybe 2 years ago I wrote a post about the EcoAlliance having applied 2018 for DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) funding for "Gain of Function" Research on the “furin cleavage site” which enables the virus to more efficiently bind to and release its genetic material into a human cell and is one of the reasons that the virus is so easily transmissible and harmful. And other strange factors which might point to the virus maybe being leaked from a laboratory. I said and still say "maybe". Of course my post was quickly dismissed :-)
But here is another thing that shortly ago would have been dismissed as "Conspiracy Theory": The UK tainted blood scandal.
BBC (if you don't like the BBC look at Wikipedia or wherever else - or just read your news): Authorities covered up the infected blood scandal... The five-year investigation accused doctors, government and the NHS of letting patients catch HIV and hepatitis. More than 30,000 people were infected from 1970 to 1991 by contaminated blood products and transfusions. About 3,000 have since died and more deaths will follow... Inquiry chairman Sir Brian Langstaff... Addressing the issue of a cover-up, he said that better wording to describe it was "hiding the truth"... elements of "downright deception", including destroying documents.
The problem I am seeing: Especially nowadays, in the time of the Internet, it's impossible to decide what is truth and what's not. That creates "Cognitive Dissonance". The easiest way to get rid of it is to reduce the overwhelming complexity of the Reality we are confronted with by labeling everything that is contrary to the mainstream narrative as "Conspiracy Theory" - - - especially because in many/most cases it IS nothing more than that. And that makes it easy to over-simplify and to brand everything which otherwise would create headache as "Conspiracy Theory".
No. of Recommendations: 34
The Epstein relationship is controversial having a mistress is not. That's what I meant. ..
There's a spectrum of bad behaviour, for sure.
Being a sexual abuser of young women is terrible.
[many things in between]
Having and hiding mistresses is merely very gauche, I suppose.
Somewhere on that very long of all bad acts I would add "being a person who's unable to distinguish between doing a crime and meeting with someone who did a crime".
No. of Recommendations: 1
Let's not forget that Gates is/was a major financial beneficiary of the vaccines. Those are firmly in the crosshairs now:
Former CDC Director Admits Significant Side Effects From Covid Vaccines
Dr. Robert Redfield says vaccines weren't necessary for the young
MAY 19
American virologist and former Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Robert Redfield spoke to Chris Cuomo about the Covid vaccines last week.
Dr. Redfield was a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force from the very beginning of the pandemic and was part of Operation Warp Speed. However, he wasn’t always quite on the same page as the rest of his colleagues. He was always of the opinion that Covid originated in a lab and told a Senate panel that the vaccines wouldn’t be ready until the second half of 2021.
During his interview with Cuomo, he agreed that there should be a Covid Review Commission, similar to the 9/11 Commission, because there has been so much credibility lost in the public science groups (NIH, FDA, CDC) due to a lack of transparency. Redfield said that his colleagues shouldn’t be afraid to say they don’t know the answer to something but very often they did the exact opposite and made things up.
He then went on to tell the NewsNation audience that when he tried to suggest there were significant side effects from the vaccines, he got cancelled. Redfield’s belief is that nobody wanted to talk about the potential problems with the vaccine due to the fear that it would reduce vaccine uptake.
Whilst repeating the same mantra of ‘these were important vaccines’ and ‘saved a lot of lives’, the former CDC Director suggests that they were only necessary for the most vulnerable and over 65s. For everybody else, they weren’t critical, he continued.
Redfield told Cuomo that we need to be honest and admit that some people got significant side effects from the vaccine. He even said that he knows a number of people that are quite ill from the vaccine, even though they never had Covid.
It would have been great to hear Cuomo and Redfield saying these things when we were all being pressured into getting the jab a few years ago. When people were losing their jobs or being socially ostracised. It’s great that the gaslighting has stopped and the truth is dripping out, and it’s great that these guys are talking about the vaccine, but the brave and honourable thing would have been to stand up and be counted two or three years ago.
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No. of Recommendations: 20
The US Policy board is that way -------------->
No. of Recommendations: 7
"The US Policy board is that way -------------->"
Why is the board for nuttiness and conspiracy theories that take advantage of ignorant people board?
No. of Recommendations: 37
The posters who post here do it for a reason. Suggesting they go to another board doesn't work. What would work if people actually adhered to it is clicking the ignore button. Then you aren't even tempted to respond to their posts because you don't see them. Those of us who have already put them on ignore end up getting sucked back into the spiral of unfounded, nuttiness when others respond.
No. of Recommendations: 1