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Author: LongTermBRK 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12536 
Subject: Re: Team Trump, who will he pick ?
Date: 11/17/2024 8:44 PM
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<<He'll pick whichever one has a history of sexual assault, of course.>>

Don’t know what this has to do with Berkshire—but since you opt to a.) play in the gutter and b.) go OT and c.) print pure lies and erroneous serious allegations —let’s apply facts to your printed smear.

Your “history of sexual assault”:

Hegseth had consensual sex with a woman a who came on to him at a Conservative Conference. The “victim”, the woman, was in big trouble days after when her husband got hold of what she did. Her defense was that she was sexually assaulted by Hegseth….the person SHE went after. So, several days later—she decided her best defense against her husband was offense against Hegseth claiming he assaulted her.

Hegseth couldn’t deny having sex. He admitted it. He wrote her a check.

THIS is your “sexual assault”?

This your “HISTORY of sexual assault”? Brief history, huh?

Not too stable..not too genius. Idiot post of the year.
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