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- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
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FB removed that two minute clip of Sanders being interviewed on Meet The Press. I wonder why? Scary times.
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Doesn't matter.
Bernie Sanders is merely a vehicle for White Liberals to feel good about themselves.
These people grew up pretending that the just wanted peace love pot and would live on brown rice and a backpack.
They pretended to care about fairness, equality, blah blah blah.
Of course they then went to schools that gouge and exclude.
They got haircuts, and they went on two kiss the ring of The Man, and become Corporate Sellouts and the S/P 500 along with their sacred 401K became their deity. As if that wasn't enough they made sure not only to segregate themselves into Liberal Enclaves and protect their overpaid jobs from immigration, they made sure to perpetuate policies and a culture that allows them dominion over whole constituencies ---where they can be slave owners and keep those constituencies locked in inner cities, full of fear and loathing.
And once in awhile Club 401K feels guilty about it so they vote Bernie in the primary so they can look in the mirror and remember how they loved Communism and the Soviet Union and how shouting "$15 an hour!" shows they are so nice and generous.
Then they go for the corporate candidate, and continue filling the 401K on the backs of *real* businessmen, exploited consumers and exploited foreign workers.
They've spent a lifetime pissing on John Lennon's grave and this week their embrace ofd Dick Cheney and Goldman Sachs - is official.
Their lives - politically - meant nothing other than being corporatist Republicans and warmongers.
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" Then they go for the corporate candidate, and continue filling the 401K on the backs of *real* businessmen, exploited consumers and exploited foreign workers."
good morning, any idea why honorable FB would delete that two-minute video, because it " violates their community standards?" Thanks.
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Because the Democracy Hating Dictators who own Harris, want nothing in the way of them owning the Oval Office.
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good morning, any idea why honorable FB would delete that two-minute video, because it " violates their community standards?" Thanks.
It's happened to friends of mine posting innocuous political meme photos too. Not just you.
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" It's happened to friends of mine posting innocuous political meme photos too. Not just you."
sorry pal, I don't share political meme photos. I shared the Sanders interview on meet the press, the Lester Holt interview of Biden before he agreed to not run again, Bill Maher making the case for Biden to retire, Cuomo's opinion of why Biden shouldn't run again, are they all right-wing conspiracy nutjob sites? CONnect the dots bro.
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sorry pal, I don't share political meme photos. I shared the Sanders interview on meet the press,
You didn't get my drift. The mistakes and deletions seem to be on both sides of the political spectrum, and the name is Lambo.
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It's happened to friends of mine posting innocuous political meme photos too. Not just you. - Lambo
It wasn't that long ago when Zuckerberg was all sad and dewy-eyed that he had temporarily suppressed the Trump Flag Ear photo and wished he had did more to resist the Biden Admin trying to get him to suppress non-approved Covid information. Fake contrition because he could hear the footsteps of regulation closing in on him.
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and wished he had did more to resist the Biden Admin trying to get him to suppress non-approved Covid information.
I disagree with the courts there. A pandemic is a good reason to limit bad info.
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>>sorry pal, I don't share political meme photos. I shared the Sanders interview on meet the press,<<
You didn't get my drift. The mistakes and deletions seem to be on both sides of the political spectrum, and the name is Lambo.
First let me say that Zuckerberg should not be censoring either one of you.
However, the Sanders interview is more egregious since it approximated regular news, whereas a political meme is designed make a political point in some irreverent or exaggerated way.
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First let me say that Zuckerberg should not be censoring either one of you.
Why not, Michael? It's a private business, not part of the government. Facebook can censor or not as they see best for their business. Lord knows X censors as Musk sees fit.
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First let me say that Zuckerberg should not be censoring either one of you.
However, the Sanders interview is more egregious since it approximated regular news, whereas a political meme is designed make a political point in some irreverent or exaggerated way.
I disagree. To me it's permissible to censor false info regarding the pandemic during the pandemic. These current ones seem to be mistakes, glitches, and they need to fine tune it - but the mistakes look to be on both sides of the political spectrum. Hanlon's Law - never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. :)
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"To me it's permissible to censor false info regarding the pandemic during the pandemic."
msm experts assured us the covid vaccine was safe and effective. If you took the vaccine, you couldn't get covid, spread covid, die of covid, get hospitalized etc. Many experts supported mandated vaccines. The experts who questioned that narrative were cancelled, demonized, vilified, and suffered career repercussions. Do you know who Doc Scott Gottlieb is? He was on cnbc several times a week back then. HE, NEVER supported mandates, never. When I shared his interviews , the part where he opposed mandates was often, edited out. I wonder who REALLY owns Comcast and most of the other networks, google big pharma and ad spend. IF you are an American you know how many pharma ads we see daily. They promote poison processed food, followed by ads for the meds to take to cure obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc, lol. What a country.
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" Why not, Michael? It's a private business, not part of the government."
FB is a public company that was allowed to acquire many competitors during the Obama administration. IF we are going to allow FB to control the public square, it's very dangerous to allow them to control the narrative. Was the meet the press interview with Sanders fake? The Lester Holt interview with Biden , which conclusively proved team Biden was trying to con us, with respect to his health, was that fake? If trump wins, and he buys Zuckerberg, many of you aren't going to like it much.
No. of Recommendations: 18
msm experts assured us the covid vaccine was safe and effective. If you took the vaccine, you couldn't get covid, spread covid, die of covid, get hospitalized etc.
Could you provide a link to an MSM source that said that? No vaccine is 100% effective, and I seriously doubt that any of the MSM news coverage actually said that taking the vaccine meant "you couldn't" get Covid. I certainly don't recall any of them using that kind of absolute language. But I'm open to being shown an example.
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msm experts assured us the covid vaccine was safe and effective. If you took the vaccine, you couldn't get covid, spread covid, die of covid, get hospitalized etc.
Are you making shit up? Seems likely.
On the other hand many others (both left and right) were making up stuff about the dangers of the vaccine.
I've mentioned this before, but fairly early in the pandemic I heard TWO different people say the exact same thing, quoting the exact same made up 'statistic'. They said that 40,000 people had been turned into vegetables from taking the vaccine.
There is a lot of nonsense out there in conspiracy land.
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Thanks. But that wasn't the MSM telling people that. That was Biden answering a question - and getting the answer wrong. The CDC and all of the public health agencies made it crystal clear that the vaccine - like all vaccines - only reduces your chances of contracting the disease. It did not eliminate it.
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To me it's permissible to censor false info regarding the pandemic during the pandemic.
It seems obvious that any system of permission requires an official Ministry of Truth, something I regard as more dangerous to our country than who is president.
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To repeat, I was an ignorant liberal sheep back then, watching Maddow live. I shared that video often which has now been, disappeared, no doubt. YOU have the skills go back and find Maddow covering the vaccine. If you don't care, it's ok by me. Watch the Fauci and his friend's interviews. Big pharma strikes again. Fake science.
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I've mentioned this before, but fairly early in the pandemic I heard TWO different people say the exact same thing, quoting the exact same made up 'statistic'. They said that 40,000 people had been turned into vegetables from taking the vaccine.
There is a lot of nonsense out there in conspiracy land. - ges
So you heard the claim of 40,000 and assessed it as BS. Good for you. I agree and also assess it as BS.
Here is where we differ, I want you and others to draw your own conclusions about the claim of 40,000. You OTOH would prefer to prevent me and others from hearing it in first place.
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Thanks. But that wasn't the MSM telling people that. That was Biden answering a question - and getting the answer wrong.
That video of Biden from 2021 - however inaccurate though his statement about COVID was - really shows how much Biden has deteriorated in the past 3 years. It's quite a contrast.
Also, I now wonder if Biden's several cases of COVID over those years (is he up to 2 or 3 now?) are at least somewhat responsible for his steep mental and physical decline. I wonder if he actually has "long COVID".
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" Also, I now wonder if Biden's several cases of COVID over those years (is he up to 2 or 3 now?) are at least somewhat responsible for his steep mental and physical decline. I wonder if he actually has "long COVID"."
Joe took Paxlovid for 10 days indicating a possible wicked case of covid. I'm not a doctor but close friends are. IF you haven't had covid even after you test negative you can be very sluggish, tired or worse for months, or longer. That cough and congestion is very disconcerting in older folks, even those in very good shape.
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To repeat, I was an ignorant liberal sheep back then, watching Maddow live. I shared that video often which has now been, disappeared, no doubt. YOU have the skills go back and find Maddow covering the vaccine. If you don't care, it's ok by me. Watch the Fauci and his friend's interviews. Big pharma strikes again. Fake science.
None of that establishes your point, though. Mainstream coverage of the vaccine made it clear that the vaccine - like all vaccines - provided enormous protection against COVID but was not 100% effective. There was extensive discussion of "breakthrough" cases, and a lot of research being conducted into the frequency of breakthrough cases and whether people who were infected after receiving the vaccine were contagious to other folks.
Again, do you have any indication that the mainstream media coverage of the vaccine was claiming that this vaccine - unique among all vaccines - was 100% effective in halting infection?
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" Again, do you have any indication that the mainstream media coverage of the vaccine was claiming that this vaccine - unique among all vaccines - was 100% effective in halting infection?"
Come on Al you are better than that. Are birth control pills 100 % effective? Rubbers 100 percent effective? I know what Maddow said, after saying, take the vaccine and you can't get covid was that a 100 percent guarantee? Not in my opinion.
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Come on Al you are better than that. Are birth control pills 100 % effective? Rubbers 100 percent effective? I know what Maddow said, after saying, take the vaccine and you can't get covid was that a 100 percent guarantee? Not in my opinion.
Then what was your point? If the mainstream media wasn't out there claiming that if you got the vaccine then you couldn't get Covid, what's your complaint?
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To me it's permissible to censor false info regarding the pandemic during the pandemic.
It seems obvious that any system of permission requires an official Ministry of Truth,
That's just hooha. Thomas Jefferson pretty much outlined what I said. Just saw this one. :)